Instant Immersion Arabic

Product Description
In Europe , it's no secret that the vast majority of people are either bilingual or multilingual. The Euro Method is the easy and simple way many Europeans learn to speak a second language. Based on the same tried and proven techniques that allow a four-year old to learn to speak a language long before that same child can read or write, Instant Immersion Arabic is guaranteed to be the best method for learning to SPEAK Arabic quickly. For years, linguists have known that an immersion environment is the absolute, fastest way to learn a second language the concept is based on being surrounded by native speakers and a new culture. The 2 CD-ROMs enclosed, Talk Now! and World Talk, simulate these aspects and will move you from a beginner to intermediate speaker faster than any other language learning software on the market.

About me

Learn ARABIC Language online. We offer online courses in Modern standard Arabic, Colloquial Arabic and Quran. Learn Arabic Language in Cairo , Egypt . Our study abroad Arabic language immersion program runs year round. Take our Arabic Language Proficiency Test to check your level in Arabic language. Join our Arabic Language Teacher Training Programs.